Flooded by a tsunami of screens, devices, games, and digital platforms?
A quiz to assess your online/gaming activities.
Are you sleep-deprived or experiencing a change in sleep patterns to spend time online/gaming? Yes/No
Do you neglect family & friends and withdraw from society? Yes/No
Do you experience a decrease in socializing, resulting in the loss of friends? Yes/No
Are you avoiding important activities to be online/game? Yes/No
Do you experience drastic lifestyle changes to spend more time online/gaming? Yes/No
Are you generally less physically active due to time online/gaming? Yes/No
Are you neglecting schoolwork/ work or personal obligations? Yes/No
Do you feel an obsessive need to check your phone/emails frequently? Yes/No
Do you lose track of time while online/gaming? Yes/No
If you have yes answers to the above. Raise the red flag!!
Loss of control equals cravings & the compulsive inability to resist engaging in online/gaming activities despite negative consequences.
Is your relationship with the digital world problematic and interfering with your well-being?
Reclaim your life!